Friday, July 30, 2010

Part Three: Twifans interview with Stephenie Meyer

Here's part three of the Eclipse mini junket with Stephenie Meyer from Twifans. More great audio. This time explaining why Edward is such a tease, making Bella wait for "happy time" with the sexiest 109-year-old this side of Forks. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Real Science Behind Sparkly Vampires

The Real Science Behind Sparkly Vampires

One of the most chastised elements in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga is the fact that her tough-as-nails vampires sparkle. Perhaps the masses could get over the lack of pointy teeth, and maybe even the ability to go out in the sunlight, but to sparkle when the sun hits? Blasphemy! Anne Rice making her old vamps have papery skin is one thing, but likening a killer's visage with a sparkly diamond is another thing entirely. Dracula is rolling over in his dirt-lined crypt!

But there might be solid science behind the whys. You've just got to stomach this one fact: Vampires are highly evolved insects.

I Like a Little Science in My Fiction has written an excellent post that explains how and why Meyer's vampires sparkle. It all comes down to their many buggy comparisons. The theory starts with the knowledge that most of the hematophages in the world -- a fancy word for blood eaters -- are bugs. Like fleas, vampires must feed before they reproduce, which triggers a painful metamorphosis. Like butterflies, vamps can remember things from their lowly caterpillar/human days. They're cold-blooded, and have a hard exoskeleton instead of soft, pliable skin. Their speed is like that of the super-fast Tiger Beetle, strong like the horned dung beetle, and have eyes that put our human versions to shame.

But finally -- why do they sparkle? The site posits that vampires must be like butterflies -- sometimes known to feed on blood -- who have tiny iridescent scales.

Yes, it's silly, but it also makes a whole lot of sense. So, next time you pull a Bella and gush over Edward's sparkling face and divine beauty, keep in mind -- you might be lusting for a highly evolved insect.

Props to my buddy Angela (who I personally turned to the Cullen side!) for finding this semi- creepy gem. And I don't care what anyone says, sparkles are badass!


Monday, July 26, 2010

Metric on set of 'I'm All Yours (Eclipse)' video

Very cool behind the scenes with Metric on the set of their TW-abulous "I'm All Yours (Eclipse)" music video. I love (lead singer) Emily Haines. She's like a little badass sprite. And how about getting a call from Oscar winning composer Howard Shore saying "I want you to write the theme song as part of the score" embody the "voice of Bella"? Are you kidding me? Dream come true much? 


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Part Two: Twifans interview with Stephenie Meyer

Here's part two of the Eclipse mini junket with Stephenie Meyer from Twifans. More audio interviewage with Mrs. Meyer!! She's smitten with human Jasper (his messy hair) and Bryce's Victoria...sorry Rachelle. 

PS The pics of Stephenie & (producer) Wyck re-enacting the NM Jacob-jumps-in-Bella's-window scene are TW-ilarious and exactly why we all love Alison & Kim of Twifans!


Monday, July 19, 2010

More from Twifans interview with Stephenie Meyer

Here's part two of the Eclipse mini junket with Stephenie Meyer. There's audio of her discussing Angryward, Volvos, rude movie Bella and Breaking Dawn!!! Check out the full post at Twifans .

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jackson & Bryce on the Today Show (separately)

Jackson & Bryce were both on the Today Show (separately). Check out how sweet Bryce is and Jackson's crooked little smile. *swoon*

Bryce Dallas Howard aka Victoria

Jackson Rathbone aka Jasper


Twifans interview with Stephenie Meyer

The girls at (Alison & Kim ) are hilarious--we already know this--but they've really topped themselves with the word bubbles sprinkled amongst the Stephenie Meyer Eclipse mini junket interview recap. Does Stephenie sparkle?I don't know girls. You tell me.

Check out the transcript here


Results of the 'Eclipse' soundtrack guessing game

Now that Eclipse premiere week is over, I wanted to follow up on a previous post to see how much of an Alice I really am. I posted a fun little guess-what-song-will-play-during-which-scene game back on June 8 . My predictions are in red, reality is in blue. Feel free to correct me 'cause I'm a little hazy on some of the realities--as always. Reality was never my thing.  


Track list
1. Eclipse - Metric *End credits *1st song end credits
2. Neutron Star Collision - Muse *End credits *2nd song grad party
3. Ours - The Bravery *Grad party OR Bella & Jacob moment of some sort *1st song grad party
4. Heavy In Your Arms - Florence and the Machine *"Jella" kiss *2nd song end credits
5. My Love - Sia *Bella pondering her choice in Jacksonville, FL *Leg hitch!
6. Atlas - Fanfarlo *Something wolfy--human pack *Big ?
7. Chop and Change - The Black Keys *Riley with the newborns (Bree?) *Riley/opening scene (I'm giving myself cuz I effing LOVE this song!)
8. Rolling In On a Burning Tire - The Dead Weather *NEWBORNS! *Victoria pulling Riley's strings (I was so close.)
9. Let's Get Lost - Bat for Lashes/Beck *Leg hitching all the way! *Bella trying to sneak away to see Jacob
10. Jonathan Low - Vampire Weekend *Grad party(?) *Bella ditches Edward to ride off w/Jacob (so NOT a Bella thing to do!)
11. With You In My Head - UNKLE *Chase scene: wolves vs Victoria *Training montage
12. A Million Miles an Hour - Eastern Conference Champions *Victoria wooing/changing Riley *Jacob's bad boy first appearance
13. Life On Earth - Band of Horses *Tent scene post "Jella" kiss *"You'll always be my Bella" scene (*swoon* such a good scene I don't even mind losing that one.)
14. What Part of Forever - Cee-Lo *Opening shot/first look at Edward *Another big? (I don't remember--this is hard! I swear some of the songs weren't even in the movie.)
15. Jacob's Theme - Howard Shore
16. Line, The - Battles *BATTLE! *Newborn feeding frenzy (?)
17. How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep - Bombay Bicycle Club *On the Quileute res *Lunchroom scene with the humans

How did you do? I scored a disgraceful 3 out of 16. BUT if you count the songs that I'm pretty sure weren't even in the movie, I scored 6 out of 16. Still pathetic, but I can deal with that number. Alas, Alice I am none.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Dakota Fanning on Jimmy Kimmel

Dakota Fanning on Jimmy Kimmel.


Mama & Papa Cullen on Lopez Tonight

Mama & Papa Cullen (aka Elizabeth Reaser & Peter Facinelli) were on Lopez Tonight thus concluding the week long TW-ake over of the show. Check out Liz's dance moves in "Twilight's Got Talent." Representin' Michigan, baby! And Peter was sportin' a Carlisle scarf. Nice.


Taylor on the Late Show

Well, here's Taylor on the Tonight Show because I couldn't not watch our boy, but I am so over Dave's attitude toward young Hollywood and, more importantly, aerial wolf hunting. (Yes, I'm still peeved from the Kristen interview earlier this week. Grrr.) Taylor's very gracious as usual, but I am crossing out Dave fo sho.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lopez Tonight w/Kristen Stewart, Billy Burke & Julia Jones

Does anyone else have an Eclipse hangover? I feel like I need a cup of O negative and a run through the forest to rejuvenate. 

Kristen Stewart visits Lopez Tonight and her dad. At least now we know why Lopez has been Twi'd to the max all week. He works on the show as a stage manager, I believe. She even juggles for the "Twilight's got Talent" segment thanks to Rob's infamous MTV awards Best Kiss acceptance suggestion

In the most random double interview since--well, a 1 day ago--when Charlie Bewley (aka Demetri) and Boo Boo Stewart (aka Seth Clearwater) were on Lopez, we have Julia Jones (aka Leah Clearwater) and Billy Burke (aka Charlie Swan).
